Cross-Promotion for bloggers with Pushvert via push notifications

Ever imagined how difficult it can be to spend a winter alone in an island? No communication with the outside world. You are left only with the hope that you’ll be rescued one fine day by some sailors who happen to pass by your island. Does that sound horrifying, I bet it does. Do you see an analogy with your blog or website. You are left alone to fend for yourself hoping that someone with visit your blog somehow. You are nodding right? Let’s again come to the analogy of island, now imagine you have a radio transmitter and every now and then you send out distress signals hoping that some ship will one day intercept them and come to your rescue. Social media in today’s world seems to be the medium of sending out distress signals. You post on your network and it reaches a few of your followers. It’s solely up to them whether they want to click through to your website of not though. Arghh life of a blogger is not easy right?

So what’s the solution? Do you start building your own ship? Do you rather build a plane? If you had the resources, why not? Similarly in today’s online world, if you had the resources, you would put your ads on every search engine and social network and retarget those you visit you once and may be display banners on related websites too. But that requires a lot of money. What if you don’t have a big advertising budget either. Does it mean the end of road for you? Does it mean new independent bloggers and website admins can never get the audience that they deserve? Don’t lose hope, certainly not everything is lost yet.

Rewind back to the days of island. Imagine that there are hundreds of small islands near you and all of you have small boats and can reach each other’s island. You can now easily help each other out with your requirement and spread the word of mouth among other people. Similarly in today’s world what if we could ask our fellow bloggers to spread the word for us via social media or to reach out to their subscribers via email or other medium. Did you hear about the Social media cross-promotion networkCoPromote, the cost promotion network for bloggers and website owners. It is the portal where you can promote your social networking posts by asking fellow bloggers and social media influencers to share them for you. They promote your posts and in return you promote theirs, simple right.

On a similar line we have launched a new portal called Pushvert. It allows you to send website push notifications to your blog visitors for free. On top of that you can then go ahead and promote those push notifications on the portal which will then be pushed by other bloggers to their subscribers. You can reach out to millions of users via the innovative medium of website push notifications. It’s all free and organic traffic.

Website Push Notification Service

Where on earth would you find a better promotion medium that too without spending a single penny. Doesn’t that sound interesting. Won’t you like to reach out to millions of users that to when they are not even on your website via push notifications. Push notifications as you know can be sent to users even when they are not active or online. It reaches them as and when they become online. Studies have revealed that the click through rate of website push notifications are much higher compared to traditional display ads or PPC campaigns. And being a free channel of cross promotion it’s just an icing on the cake. What are you waiting for, create your free Pushvert account now and start cross promoting among your website subscribers. I hope you find this useful and and worth sharing it among your friends and colleagues. So until next goodbye.


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