Coz you deserve more Instagram followers

Getting more people to follow you on Social Networks obviously brightens up the day and gives a feel good factor. Off course few people as well as brands use it as a channel of internet marketing while for celebrities it’s a medium of keeping in touch with their fans. Whatever may be the motive, everyone wants more followers. Don’t you?

get instagram followers
get instagram followers

Instagram being the hottest social network as of today, no wonders people thrive to get more followers on Instagram.

So the big question is how do you get more followers on Instagram? It’s not an easy task though. As with any other social network, you’ll have to work hard initially to get the first 200-500 followers. The first and foremost requirement is to be active on Instagram. You need to update your profile regularly and post quality pics which resonate with the current trend.

You have to follow other relevant users and analyse their follower base. There are tools available which help you do this.

Tags play a crucial role in Instagram. You should use relevant tags in your post so that people searching on Instagram can find your pic easily.

However if you are a blogger and own a WordPress blog then life can be a bit easier for you. You can use Instagram Content Locker plugin to hide a portion of your content and only reveal it once your user follows you on Instagram. If you have an active blog, using this plugin can get you lots of followers in a short span of time.

I have hidden the following paragraph using the plugin. You can read the same only after following me on Instagram.

[premium-content]You can use this plugin to hide premium content from your users. These could include coupon codes, pictures, videos, tips and tricks, code snippet etc. Your users would be compelled to follow you to get access to your premium content.[/premium-content]


You can download InstaLocker plugin from here


  • Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Open InstaLocker Plugin Settings page and verify your Instagram account as displayed in the screen shot below :-

InstaLocker Settings

  • Enclose the text which you want to hide inside in your post with premium-content short code as shown below:-
InstaLocker shortcode
InstaLocker shortcode




I am sure this plugin will help you in getting more Instagram Followers. Don’t forget to share the post with your friends.


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